James Harrington

Art + Architecture


Little Queens (2022) + Hidden Mothers (2021)
Studio Polpo x Tereza Buskova
Tereza Buskova is a Birmingham-based Czech artist whos practice deals with ritual, tradition and craft - often drawing from Slavic rituals and traditions and reinventing them through collaboration and performance. Studio Polpo has collaborated on a number of Buskova’s projects, designing and making structures and artefacts used in her works. 

Hidden Mothers (2021) [Public Performance] Every Woman Biennial & London Festival of Architecture, Copland Gallery, London 
(Watch film here)
Hidden Mothers was inspired by the cultural customs of Great Britain, Central and Eastern Europe, and focused on the empowerment of women, in particular mothers, who experience isolation and routinely face stigma in the UK. The project had three parts: workshops, a procession, and the installation of a large-scale representation of a Slovak inspired cottage façade produced by Studio Polpo – a tangible representation of home and togetherness.

Little Queens (2022) [Public Performance] Shine a Light Festival, West Bromwich High Street, Birmingham
(Watch film here)
The project reimagined an ancient Czech ritual connecting rural neighbourhoods to nature and celebrated the role of women, young and old, within their communities. Studio Polpo’s ceremonial staffs drew upon the symbolism of Black Country heritage and heraldry as well as Czech folk patterns and worked to support the purpose made canopy.

Find out more about these collaborations with Tereza Buskova on Studio Polpo’s website.

  © James Harrington